Tarkan Tarkan - Unutmamalý

Bir anlýkmýþ dediler
(They said it was just for a moment)
Kýrýldým yâr
(I was heartbroken, darling)

Aldatýyor dediler
(They said you were betraying)
Aldýrmýyor dediler
(They said you didn't care)
Yýkýldým yâr
(I collapsed, darling)

Deli gibi yürekten sevmeli
(One must love crazily by heart)
Uðruna dünyalarý vermeli
(Must give the worlds for the other's sake)
Ýncitmemeli sevenleri
(Mustn't hurt the one who loves)
Deðerlerini bilmeli
(Must appreciate it's worth)

Unutmamalý o güzel günleri
(Mustn't forget those beautiful ways)
Anýlarla gönülleri hoþ tutmalý
(Must keep it's heart pleasant with the memories)
(Must be able to soothe)

Hatýrlamalý, sevgiyle anmalý
(Must remember, must remember with love)
Ümitlerle yarýnlarý hoþ tutmalý
(Must keep the tomorrows plesant with the hopes)
(Mustn't set apart)